Friday 13 August 2021

Steampunk Western for Review


I'm Jonathan Fesmire, and I write steampunk westerns. My last book, "Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western" has 104 reviews and a 4.7 average rating on Amazon.

I think you may enjoy the sequel. It just came out on August 7 and already has five glowing reviews. It's called "Bodacious Creed and the Jade Lake," and it's available here:

Of course, I'm not asking you to purchase it. I'm offering you a digital copy. Just let me know if you'd like the Kindle or ePub version. I'm happy to also send you a digital copy of the first book in the series for free if you haven't read it. Now, you don't have to read the first book to understand the second. If you decide to review one or both, that would be great.

I worked hard on the new book over the last year after having done extensive research on San Francisco in the 1800s. Combine that knowledge with steampunk technology and an undead lawman as the protagonist, and I think I've crafted a rip-roaring story. My editor and cover designer did a terrific job, too. I mean, just check out the Amazon page. I just love the cover.

Simply respond to this email and I'll get back to you shortly.

FYI, I'm using Mail Chimp to send this message, but don't worry. I'm deleting everyone from the list after, and saving your information in an Excel file. You'll only get messages like this when I release a new book. And if you want off the Excel list, please let me know.

Thanks for your consideration!

All the best,

Jonathan Fesmire

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