Sunday, 20 June 2010


 Just a quick little note to thank you all again for being so kind about my crochering and wishing everyone the best of luck with my blog give away .
   It has been a glorious weekend weather wise here , lets hope this weather continues all summer , especailly when the school holidays begin.
     Before i go i need to wish everyone's father including my own a  very happy father's day and my hubby being the father of my five children of course !  He had loads of  cards , hand made ones and bought ones , new socks , as this is what every dad needs  !! ,  loads of chocolates which the  children decided to taste  them as soon as they were given to him,to help him along in eating them ,  so he has just had a "take away " Indian as he last pressie , with the older children  , they like them but not for me .  i love a good old fashioned cooked dinner ,with all the  trimmings me ! ( but it was not my day ) .
     So hope all you dad 's out there , if you are with us or not  had a great day , being pampered are just being remembered  on this day . 
                Take care , speak soon luv Helen   oh nearly finished my blue blanket , just doing the edgeing on it   xxx        


  1. Helloo Helen

    It sounds like you all had a wonderful day...I can feel the excitement and busyiness as you write. How nice to finish the day off with the older ones and an Indian Takeway...yummy!
    Look forward to seeing the blue blanket. :-)

    BTW have been following a book and I can crochet chain now Yipee!
    But trying to crochet into that chain ... well...I'm not going to give up, I think I am going to get a bigger crochet hook!

    Have a great week ahead
    Chat on FB xxxx

  2. Sounds like a good day - all Dads need spoiling. MrVV had a roast dinner cooked by the boys with lots of supervision from me.


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