Re. Due Process of your Compensation Benefits of $683,300.00 USD.
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to notify you that the Cash Management/International Payments Unit of the International Monetary Fund in conjunction with the Global Debt Reconciliation Committee of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had agreed to pay you a total sum of $683,300.00 USD 2023 compensation fund.
The compensation fund has been signed to be paid to you for all the money you have lost to scammers through internet fraud. Your name appeared on our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that will receive their funds in this 2nd quarter payment of the year according to our banking regulation.
Quickly get back to us if you are still alive, and we shall give you the REFERENCE NUMBER to enable you to pick up your money from the appointed paying Bank close to you.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Washington, DC 20431, United States.